Last updated May 2024
This site collects information on you in two ways:
1. The information that you manually provide us by filling out our contact or request a quote forms, signing up for our email list, or making a purchase. This information can be tied directly to you because of the information you have provided.
2. The information that is automatically collected via our third-party partners: MailChimp, Google Analytics, and PayPal. The types of information collected here include things like your location, what pages you visit. Generally, our third-party partners only give us this information in the aggregate (e.g. it’s not identifiable to you) but sometimes this information can be directly tied to you such as direct emails to your attention.
We do our best to protect your sensitive personal information. We protect it by partnering with Financial Institutions for Interact e-Transfers and PayPal to process and store your credit card information.
EXCEPTION: Some orders are processed manually in-person or via telephone or email in order to create content and products that you have specifically ordered. This information is collected and only shared when necessary with our trusted third-party partners (QuickBooks, Square, PayPal) to serve you. Invoices are processed using QuickBooks with your name, address, telephone and email address. Payments may be processed using Square or Interac e-Transfers. For manual credit card payments, we use Square. Once the payment is processed and cleared the information is immediately destroyed. No customer credit card information is kept on file. If you place subsequent manual orders, credit card information will need to be provided again to process additional orders. All Interac e-Transfer payments are processed through third party financial institution’s policies.
Images submitted for your order will be held and then deleted within 30 days, both digital and negative form.
Signage designs, unless personal, will be held in digital or paper files for further reference and as portfolio samples.
If you would like to know what information we have that is directly attributable to you, please complete our contact form.
We will do our best to notify you 30 days in advance of any changes to our policies via social media or an email list. Or we will post a notification on our website’s announcement bar of any policy changes.