Manufacture’s Performance Characteristics
Abrasion Resistance
No pronounced image loss, degradation or reduced readability after 7,000 cycles on an abrading wheel.
Acid Corrosion
No deterioration or image degradation after 24 hours in 3% nitric acid.
Heat Resistance
Standard Metalphoto® readable up to 500°F, Image Intensified Metalphoto® readable up to 800°F. Both tested for a 24-hour oven exposure. Inquire for heat resistance up to 1,000°F with Extra High Temperature (XHT) treatment.
Organic Solvent Resistance
No softening, staining or noticeable fade after 24-hr exposure to:
JP-4 fuel, Gasoline, Mineral Spirits, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, Turpentine, Turbine & Jet Fuel, Kerosene, Xylol, Acetone, Toluol, Heptane, Trichlorethylene, MIL-H-5606 Hydraulic Fluid and MIL-L-7808 Jet Engine Oil.
Salt Spray Corrosion
No deleterious effect after a 720-hr salt spray (fog) test. 2,6 “Very Good” corrosion resistance after 113 days seawater exposure.
Accelerated Light and Weather Resistance
No pronounced deterioration of legibility after 400-hr carbon arc weatherometer exposure. (Estimated 20+ year outdoor life)
Accelerated Oxygen Aging
No discoloration or fading after 96-hr/300 psi/ 70°C oxygen bomb aging.
Thermal Shock
No deterioration after 3 cycles between -65°C and 125°C
Stain Resistance
No black fading when plates are exposed to tincture of iodine.
Cleaning Resistance
No deleterious effects when tested with alkaline cleaners (MILC- 87937 or equivalent) for aircraft surfaces.
Low Temperature Resistance
No deleterious effect or image fade after 1 hour at -50°F. No impairment of legibility upon exposure at -67°F.
Fungus Resistance
Visual reading of “0” per ASTM-G21.
Moisture Resistance
No deterioration after 10 humidity cycles per MIL-STD-202, method 106.
*Tania Marsh Creative or the product manufacture does not warrant performance of its materials in any environment